MooveDriver app for optimal personal support

Moove recently launched its MooveDriver app, an application that gives drivers immediate insights and actively coaches them on how to improve their driving behaviour. Utkarsh Chaturvedi, CTO of Moove Connected Mobility, tells us more about the app’s features and how it can benefit drivers and fleet managers.

Encouraging drivers to improve their driving behaviour

Driver safety is a crucial aspect of fleet management. Our telematics solutions provide optimal support for fleet managers when it comes to encouraging safe and responsible driving behaviour. The reports offer fleet managers insights into driver performance and are adapted to suit their needs and goals. These detailed reports allow fleet managers to analyse individual performance and provide immediate feedback about what action needs to be taken for improvement.

‘The MooveDriver app links insights gained from fleet manager reports with adaptive driving behaviour from the fleet’s drivers.’

In practice, it turns out that insights provided to fleet managers through reporting don’t always influence individual driving behaviour. Utkarsh explains that the MooveDriver app was developed to address this issue. ‘We wondered whether informing drivers of report results directly would be more effective. Why shouldn’t we offer them insights into their own performance and allow them to coach themselves? With the MooveDriver app, we can successfully link the fleet manager reports with driving behaviour on the road. This application allows you to give part of the responsibility directly to the drivers, freeing up time for the fleet managers who would otherwise have to individually coach them.’

How does the MooveDriver app work?

The driver receives an overview of each route driven. The app shows which ‘mistakes’ were made along the way, such as speeding, braking too late or accelerating too fast. This is expressed in a safety score and an eco score. The safety score indicates safe driving behaviour, while the eco score shows how their behaviour impacts carbon footprint, fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance for example. The most common mistakes are linked to instructional videos focusing on those aspects of their driving where there is room for improvement. Drivers can also use the app to see how their scores compare to other drivers within the fleet or their team.

Utkarsh believes that this last feature offers an excellent opportunity for fleet managers to actively engage drivers in the process. ‘Gamification is particularly interesting for the younger-generation of drivers. You don’t want to impose penalties for poor behaviour but rather make improving driving behaviour a positive and rewarding experience. One of our customers, for instance, awards iPads to the drivers with the best performance over a six-month period. This gives drivers the feeling that they’ll be rewarded for safe and responsible behaviour on the road. You can also set personal scores in the app to give drivers concrete goals to work towards. The MooveDriver app promotes a mindset that helps drivers realise how they can drive safely and with sustainability in mind. And that completes the circle, because the fleet manager also benefits from optimal driver behaviour with a more sustainable, economically viable fleet with less maintenance, decreased CO2 emissions and increased driver safety.’

Would you like to learn more about the MooveDriver app and how it can promote improved driving behaviour among your drivers? Visit our Products page and read more about the app as part of our telematics solutions.


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