Linking data to insights is the way forward
For fleet managers operating internationally, telematics is essential for optimising fleet performance. Moove has developed its ability to link data with desired insights, allowing those managers to make impactful decisions. As of 1 July, Jeroen Bruinooge, Moove’s new CEO, is responsible for strengthening this position. In doing so, he draws on his recent work in the field of vehicle data applications and his extensive experience in developing and consulting with businesses in the Netherlands and abroad. We asked him about the most important issues currently affecting customers and which telematics trends we may see in the coming years.
Current issues in fleet management
Sustainability is high on the agenda of almost every large organisation. The rise of corporate climate responsibility and more stringent regulations have led to rapid increases in sustainability for many fleets. In addition, driver well-being is becoming a hot topic. Safety and mental health are key, with an increased focus on driving behaviour as a contributing factor to sustained employment. In addition, greater insight into individual vehicle performance can lead to significant fuel savings, reduced maintenance costs, and even decreased fleet size while significantly improving your fleet’s financial performance.
‘Once you have the right data and insights, you can have an impact on your employees, the environment, and the growth of your business.’
Jeroen Bruinooge – CEO Moove
Fleet electrification is the perfect way to tackle the issue of caring for the environment and data is essential to this process. ‘Telematics is crucial for supporting the smooth transition to EVs,’ Jeroen says. ‘Once you have the right data and insights, you can make an impact on your employees, the environment, and the growth of your business. When you combine these aspects, you’re working hard towards becoming sustainable. Besides, it’s not just a matter of installing electric vehicles; you’ll have to get your employees on board when it comes to using EVs effectively by helping them feel comfortable in the vehicle and gaining insights into potential irregular driver behaviour. Taking timely action could reduce staff turnover within your organisation.’
Insights lead to the right decisions
Moove has a strong presence in the light commercial vehicle market, particularly in last-mile delivery logistics. Here, the transition to electric fleets is well underway. For the optimal use of an electric vehicle fleet, data-based insights into what happens in a vehicle are becoming increasingly important. Where can you charge your vehicle? How long does your vehicle need to charge? Which subsequent routes can your vehicle drive? And how can you charge vehicles without overloading the grid? These are all questions that can be answered using vehicle data combined with external data sources. Integrating telematics hardware with third-party platforms creates opportunities to efficiently adapt to changing circumstances – resulting in significant cost reductions as well as economic growth.
‘Generating predictive data is becoming increasingly essential to our customers.’
Jeroen Bruinooge – CEO Moove
‘Reading EV data is challenging for many telematics providers,’ Jeroen explains. ‘Companies choose Moove specifically because we work with Geotab to provide high-quality telematics solutions that can extract any desired data from a vehicle. We also see an increase in OEM data, which makes a big impact on fleet performance. Is that data sufficient, or do you need to address additional issues? As more and more businesses go electric, we’re at the beginning of an undoubtedly steep learning curve; so, benchmarking the data we have available will lead to predictive data for our customers. Developing data-based insights is a key step in our business. We will continue to focus on this in the future to successfully link the countless opportunities offered by telematics to the most important fleet management issues.’
Would you like to learn more about the biggest challenges currently facing fleet managers operating internationally? And how the ever-increasing possibilities of telematics optimally meet these challenges? Download our e-book here!